National Girl Child Day

“Give the Girl Child, wings to Fly, let her blossom and touch the Sky.”

Every year, on 24th of January, National Girl Child Day is celebrated all over the country to support girls and prosper respect and love for them amongst people. In the year 2008, the celebration of this special day dedicated to girls, was started by Women and Child Development Ministry, Government of India. And since 2012, United Nations has now started celebrating The International Day of the Girl Child on 11th October, every year.

Till today, a lot of girls face inequality in the society with respect to their right to education, nutrition, legal rights, etc. The main objective of celebrating this day is to spread awareness in the society about these inequalities. The day is observed for enhancing opportunities for the girls in the country and to ensure that the girl children get respect and equality in rights. This day also focuses on making sure that the girl children become aware of their rights.

Government of India started the celebration of National girl Child Day as an initiative under the National Girl Development mission. The mission aims at raising the respect for girls and elevating their position in the society. The government has been taking many measures to stop social discrimination and biases against the girls at home, school or other places. Government ministries also take this day for working against the diminishing sex ratio and transform people’s thinking about the girl child. The main aim of all the programmes they run is to promote gender equality.

Traditional celebrations of National Girl Child Day

Many political leaders do conferences and seminars to lecture the masses about promoting equality in education and other fundamental rights for girls in the country. Government broadcasts ads and launches social campaigns to raise awareness about the equality for girls. Several events and programmes are organized in schools and colleges to promote the idea of empowerment of girls.

Tips to celebrate the National Girl Child Day with your family

  • Make this day special for your daughter, niece, younger cousin, or any other Girl Child in your family.
  • Teach your children about the equality for Girls and their empowerment.
  • Tell your children to respect each and every individual, irrespective of the gender.
  • Donate a sum of money or clothes or any other gifts to an NGO working for girls.

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