
Play-school business poses a number of issues for the administrators and directors. These need to be dealt with the utmost care and professional dexterity. Handling teacher/caregiver/staff-related concerns is vital for effective Play-school business management.

Evaluation of Staff (Educators/Caregivers/General Staff)
Evaluating the staff involved with the administration and childcare in a play-school is crucial. This makes sure that the quality of the curriculum and childcare is maintained. Evaluation of a play-school staff serves numerous purposes like —
• It can be used as a tool used for promotion/dismissal/appraisal.
• Staff evaluation is a vital source of feedback which contributes to professional development of the teachers and the improvement of the curriculum in general
• Simple evaluation tools like checklists and a performance-appraisal system helps to promote a sense of healthy competition and inter-communication among the staff.

Teachers or caregivers are an integral part of play-school business and their assessment is based on a number of factors like —
• Good working habits like punctuality and cleanliness.
• Responsibility towards duties.
• Having a positive attitude towards students and other staff members.
• Interaction with children in terms of being warm and affectionate.
• Use of positive disciplining techniques with the children.
• Effective classroom management and individual attention to each child.
• An eye for the safety of the children.
• Observing emotional problems and dealing with child-related behavioural problems.
• Working with parents — maintaining a positive interaction with the parents.
• Sharing ideas regarding the curriculum with other staff members and being cooperative in general.

Managing Staff Recruitment
A perennial problem for running a play-school business is regarding the recruitment of the best-suited staff and this can be done by —
• Posting and advertising for the current and expected openings at the right time.
• Recruitment could be done by offering incentives to present employees for referring suitable candidates.
• Taking part in job fairs.

Staff Retention
Effective play-school business management is incomplete without incorporating successful staff retention tools in order to create a positive and motivating work environment.

Every employee should feel appreciated, cherished and acknowledged for their work. Appreciation for work doesn’t need to be very elaborate or incur high costs for the employer. Some ideas for improving and boosting the staff morale in a play-school business venture—
• A simple gesture saying ‘Thanks’ makes a big difference but it has to be said sincerely and not in a customary manner.
• Making eye contact with the staff members and the occasional smile is always recommended.
• One simple way of making the staff member appreciated is jotting down a personalized note of ‘Thank you for ….’ on the backside of the paycheques.
• Setting up a Staff Day which is essentially a day to make the staff feel that the management is appreciative of their work.
• Introducing initiatives like ‘Employee of the Month’. For this, the criteria should be well-defined and every staff member should be encouraged to complete. The winner for the month could have his/her picture displayed on the play-school bulletin board for a week.
• Using the play-school newsletter to recognize any special efforts made by a teacher/caregiver in the play-school.

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